A portion of the rear wheel of my bike. The picture is certainly not perfect… you can see my shoe rack in the background, and there are all the reflections of the flash of the metal… Still, I somehow like it.
Last Vancouver photo for a while. I saw these flowers in the conservatory at Queen Elizabeth Park. The park is one of the prettiest I've seen, and the conservatory is pretty good too (and has a lot of very colourful birds, plants, and fishes).
I love photographing trees. All kinds of trees: big, small, tall, short, in groups or singly, dry, green, or colourful, in the "wild", in parks… I plan on posting many of my tree photos here in the coming weeks.
This photo is from Lynn Canyon Park in near Vancouver, Canada.
Another photo from Stanley Park. This one is also from the bike path, and I'm standing directly under Lions Gate Bridge, looking towards North Vancouver.
Location: Stanley Park in Vancouver, Canada, a little before sunset turned the sky orange. If you are ever in Vancouver, I highly recommend renting a bike and going around the bike path in the park. And, don't miss the sunset.